To Protest & Riot or To Not

How much does protesting and rioting actually change? Because we can call for change and do our best but unless, the institutions change it’s almost impossible to make a difference, if the people on top don’t use their power to make a difference. It makes it hard for us to push for change, especially when everything around us is so negative.

I think protesting is great, for a cause that you are passionate about especially with causes like Black Lives Matter. Personally I draw the line at rioting because it isn’t peaceful however, I know that people have tried peaceful protesting and things haven’t been done, but violence isn’t the answer. I don’t agree with it because it is vandalism it’s hate, it’s crime which causes others trouble and lots of people end up getting hurt by it. People’s businesses, especially the small businesses where people cannot afford to fix their property, are hurt, they shouldn’t have to fix it in the first place.

Looking at it from a Islamic prospective, you should try not to use violence as a means, even when someone starts a war with you, doing everything you can do to prevent it from getting into a fight you should always go the peaceful way round it. I think violence should be the last resort, I guess in a way it is the last resort we have tried things peacefully and it hasn’t worked we’re at war with anti-blackness. I believe we are better than that.

Fighting Against Anti-blackness

When I think about the Corona-virus and how is doesn’t discriminate, is that really true, yes it does effect everyone regardless of privilege,race and class. So why are people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority communities more likely to die from the virus than White counterparts?Especially Black people, as they are 4 times likely to die from Corona than white people. According to  UK’s Office for National Statistics.

So why are we over 3 months into lock down still trying to get the UK Gov to launch a inquire as to why Corona is killing more Black people. This was happening at the start of lock down, they could see a pattern but I feel like no one cared. If Corona was killing ONLY Black people, I don’t think there would have been this much resources and money being pumped into finding a cure and so much support for people during this lock down.

We also need to understand that the problem of anti-blackness is not only within the white community, it is also people within the Muslim community, the Asian Community, the Arab community.There is even colourism in our own communities. If you have darker skin, there is a belief that you are less beautiful. It is within our cultures as well, but we don’t talk about it. We need to find the will and encouragement so we can feel empowered to speak for ourselves, inside and out of our communities.

Social Media

I’m split when it comes to non Black people posting about BLM and those people/companies who are using their privileges or platform as a means of getting the message of BLM across. I’m unsure of what their intentions are. Part of me doesn’t like it, I try not to get too mad at thinking, why now? Is this just for clout? I try not to think like that.

I’ve moved away from social media because I feel like a lot of the time they are jumping on the bandwagon, whats the new craze to talk about, everyone is posting so I should post too, I don’t want to be part of that. Not because I am black, and I ought to push out #BLM. I’m thinking what can, I actually do that is productive. I don’t think protesting and rioting is as productive .Yes, it shows we are all together, that we are taking a stance against these atrocities but how many years have people been trying to change racism but only little things have changed. How long have women had the vote? They protested and had all different types of demonstrations.That was about women having the same rights as men, yes we got the vote but fast forward to 2020 and we still have the gender pay gap.

I think over all I’m just trying to make since of this cruel yet beautiful world that we living in. That I need to believe that good will eventually prevail, all the good we have done to create a better place will pay off. That senseless killing of my people, my sisters and my brothers will stop, those who have fallen they shall get justice and their families and loved ones will finally be at peace